Friday, May 3, 2013


Hindsight is twenty/twenty and it is like armchair quarterbacking, there is little point to looking back because you need to look forward.

However, if I could do as Cher sang, Turn Back Time, there are definitely two things that I would have done differently.

First and foremost is that I would have stuck with journalism. Sure, I may not have had the most outgoing personality in the world, but teaching forced me to come out of my shell just as writing would have.

Now, I am not saying that I did not enjoy my years in the classroom because they did serve me well. The district where I taught gave me a truck load of story ideas and a cast of characters that Dickens would have loved. It is just that writing has always been my passion and you shouldn't turn your back on your passion. That is a lesson I will always remember and pass on to my children.

The second thing I would love to change is travel. If there is such as reincarnation, I hope I come back as a travel writer.

Recently, I read a quote where the writer basically compared life to a book. A book is more than a page, so why would you spend your whole life on the same one.

Very profound and true. The world is full of so many beautiful places to see and explore. I definitely regret letting my shyness get in the way of doing a year abroad in college. That would have been a wonderful opportunity to stretch my wings and explore Europe.

I'm not sure that I get the point of Pinterest, but one thing I do enjoy is all of the incredible travel pictures. I've also seen that I am certainly not the only one who has a little wanderlust and yearns to see greener pastures.

A recent writing opportunity may allow me to contribute travel pieces, a position I would relish. My bucket list is already full of spots and this is another piece of hindsight I will pass on to my little ones. Life is like the Dr. Seuss book The Places You'll Go and you should take that thought with you  as you navigate the many paths you will travel along the way!

While you can't turn back time, you can learn from it and pass that lesson on.

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