Sunday, July 1, 2012


If writing is in your blood, you already know it and the great thing about writing is, all you need is a blank piece of paper or computer screen, if you will and an idea.  It is as simple as the Nike motto, just do it.  I majored in English at Douglass College which is a campus of Rutgers University.  All of the classes in my major had a writing slant after I switched out of the journalism program.  For a while, I wanted to be a play write.  Eventually, I saw that my talent swung more in the direction of fiction.  Even while I was teaching, I was writing.  First children's books and finally mysteries.

Whether it's mysteries, romance, or horror, write your story.  As with any topic, there are books available that can assist you as well as websites.  However, first and foremost, is writing something.  You can start small with a short story or dive right in and start your novel.  The thing to remember is, that as with anything else in life, the more you write, the more proficient you will become.  

Gotham Writer's Workshop, which is based in Manhattan, offers a diverse field of online classes ranging from Novel Writing to Script Writing.  So if the idea of writing seems a bit daunting at the start, try taking a class first.  If you are enrolled in a class, you will have assignments to work on and that can be a bit more comforting than a blank page.  I took Gotham's Novel Writing One and Two and found them extremely helpful in fine tuning my voice.  They also have periodic workshops in NYC.  I would love to attend one, but the crazy schedule with the kids always gets in the way which is why the online option is awesome.  Their newsletter is a big help as well because it highlights contests and upcoming writing events.

Many adult continuing education programs offer creative writing classes or workshops as does many public libraries.  Check out what's in your area.

Once you have your story whether it's a short or something longer, comes everyone's least favorite part-revisions.  Some writers save that to the end and concentrate on the writing part, going from beginning to end.  I like to revise as I go.  Before I dive in for the day, I will reread and edit what I wrote the previous session.  When I have completely finished a piece, I will reread it and then let it sit for a day or two depending on the deadline and then revise it one more time.  If you're comfortable and have someone who is willing, have a friend read it for feedback.  A third party can be quite helpful.

For a while, a classmate from my online class was reading my stories and it was great to get an opinion from someone who doesn't know you personally.  The closer the person is to you, the harder it can be to take the criticism.  That's why my husband never reads my stuff.

Now that you have your story or your manuscript and have edited it, comes the really hard part, finding a publisher.  However, that's another post entirely! 

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