Thursday, July 5, 2012

Finding An Audience

I don't know if I am exactly qualified to write on this topic since I am still looking for mine.  However, I will tell you what I have done and some of the lessons that I have learned along the way.  Even though I have had my work published, I do not feel that I have been successful.  A journalist who covers an area sports team recently gave me a simple piece of advice, start small and keep writing.

When I first began looking for a publisher, I began with a copy of THE WRITER'S MARKET.  You can find one online or in any bookstore.  THE WRITER'S MARKET contains a list of publishers for just about anything you can write.  They also include articles on writing query letters and inspirational stories from published writers.  If you want to focus your search, they sell other more targeted books as well.  For example, THE NOVEL AND SHORT STORY WRITER'S MARKET.  I have purchased both and had an easier time navigating the later, especially for short stories.

When you do find a publisher that seems like it will be a good fit, take the time to do your research.  I already made that mistake and will not repeat it.  Writers Beware is a website that lists publishers that writers have had difficulty with.  While I was sending queries out for my latest manuscript, I got a bite from a publisher who seemed interested, but wanted me to put up $7,000.  FYI, a request for money is always a huge red flag.  I did a google search of the company and found that there were several complaints filed against the editor with whom I had been e-mailing.  She was less than pleased when I declined and requested my work back.  Her comments were quite nasty, but I considered the source and moved on.

There are publishers out there who accept unagented material.  It has been my experience that trying to obtain an agent is just as daunting as trying to find a publisher.  Many will only accept referrals from clients.  While I was doing a book signing and talk at my local library with an area romance author, I asked her who her agent was, hoping to get a contact.  She responded with a name, but asked that I not use her name when spoke with them.  Fat lot of help that was.  I sent a letter and the response?  We only take clients recommended to us.

Another helpful suggestion on trying to find a publisher and an agent was to attend writing conferences.  Great idea, but not exactly practical when you have three young children.  I knew I couldn't leave my husband with the kids to travel to South Carolina for a mystery writing seminar, so I joined the local chapter of Sisters in Crime, a mystery writing organization, instead.  Problem?  The monthly meetings are on Saturdays and for those of you who have children in youth sports, especially travel teams, you know how your weekends are spent.  My husband also coaches which is tough to do with a baby in tow.  Thus far, I haven't been able to attend one meeting, but did get two short stories published from an advertisement I saw in their newsletter for crime stories set in New Jersey.

Recently, I began using a website called which for a small fee($8) will help you to connect with paying opportunities for your writing.  Since signing up with them, I have been able to find some outlets for my work.  Let you know if something pans out.

The bottom line is as I tell my children, there aren't any short cuts in life and anything worth pursuing requires perseverance and hard work!

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