Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm With The Press

When I was an eager journalism student, I clearly remember a day in News, Reporting, and Editing, when the professor came in and told us we had an hour and twenty minutes to hand in a story.  We could work alone or partner up.  Then, he pointed to the door.

The shy, quiet girl in me froze.  What was I going to do?  The thought of going out onto the street and finding a story to write about scared me to death.  Yet, isn't that what a reporter does?

My how the times have changed.  If I could, I would go back and stick it out along the writing route.  Unfortunately, we can't turn back the clock.  All we can do is go forward which is why I am loving writing news and op ed pieces for

The shy girl in me is gone, thanks to teaching for a few years in a tough district.  I needed to develop a backbone quickly or I wouldn't have lasted as long as I did.  Now, everything is a potential story and I love it!  There isn't any harm in asking.  What is the worst someone is going to say?  No?  Okay, there is always another story, another angle or another person to talk to.

Yesterday, I was told that I could apply for a press pass.  How cool it that?  The possibilities are endless and I can't wait to get it and use it.

If you're wondering how that assignment panned out, well I got an 'A'.  The over-achiever in me wouldn't accept anything less.  I partnered up with the chatty girl next to me who is probably an overseas correspondent somewhere now.  She did the talking and I did the writing, perfect match.

The difference now is that I'm doing the asking and the writing and I am actually looking forward to it.  With age comes experience, wisdom, and the understanding that you should never give up on a dream.  They find you in the most unlikely places and times.